Download Qgis 2.16 Mac

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QGIS in OSGeo4W:

Mac OS X / macOS¶ Official All-in-one, signed installers for for macOS High Sierra (10.13) and newer can be downloaded from the QGIS download page. Alternative builds supporting macOS 10.11 El Capitan and later are available from The current version is QGIS 2.18.15 'Las Palmas' and was released on.

  • OSGeo4W Network Installer (64 bit)
  • OSGeo4W Network Installer (32 bit)

In the installer choose Desktop Express Install and select QGIS to install the latest release.
To get the long term release (that is not also the latest release) choose Advanced Install and select qgis-ltr-full
To get the bleeding-edge development build choose Advanced Install and select qgis-full-dev

Standalone installers from OSGeo4W packages
Latest release (richest on features):
  • QGIS Standalone Installer Version 3.14 (64 bit)
  • QGIS Standalone Installer Version 3.14 (32 bit)
Long term release repository (most stable):
  • QGIS Standalone Installer Version 3.10 (64 bit)
  • QGIS Standalone Installer Version 3.10 (32 bit)

Official All-in-one, signed installers

Mac Installer Packages for macOS High Sierra (10.13) and newer.

QGIS is not yet notarized as required by macOS Catalina (10.15) security rules. On first launch on, use right click on the QGIS app icon and choose Open.

Latest release (richest on features):
  • QGIS macOS Installer Version 3.14
Long term release (most stable):
  • QGIS macOS Installer Version 3.10

Alternative build

Mac Installer Packages for macOS El Capitan (10.11) and newer.

Installation instructions are in the Read Me on the disk image. These packages use the Python 3, version 3.6, the 'macosx10.9' build - other distributions are not supported. Install Python before installing QGIS.

Additional GDAL format plugins and PROJ grids are available at

  • macOS Installers

For many flavors of GNU/Linux binary packages (rpm and deb) or software repositories (to add to your installation manager) are available. Please select your choice of distro below:

The QGIS experience does not stop on the desktop. Various touch optimized apps allow you to take QGIS into the field

Third-party touch optimized apps

QField for QGIS (formerly QGIS for Android)
Input (available for Android, iOS and Windows devices)
IntraMaps Roam

QGIS for Android

An old and deprecated not touch optimised release of QGIS for Android can be found inAll downloads

All downloads

More specific instructions about downloading QGIS stable vs QGIS development can be found in All downloads. Veneer font free download mac.


For testing and learning purposes, a sample dataset is available, which contains collections of data from different sources and in different formats.

Previous releases of QGIS are still available here - including older releases for OS X here.

More older releases are available here and for OS X here.

Plugins for QGIS are also available here.

QGIS is open source software available under the terms of the GNU General Public License meaning that its source code can be downloaded through tarballs or the git repository.

QGIS Source Code is available here (latest release) and here (long term release)

Refer to the INSTALL guide on how to compile QGIS from source for the different platforms: here

Note that you can also install the development version (nightly) via an installer from the normal downloads for your platform: here

Plugins for QGIS are also available here.

  • Installation
  • Launching QGIS

This chapter gives a quick overview of installing QGIS, some sample data fromthe QGIS web page, and running a first and simple session visualizing rasterand vector layers.

Installation of QGIS is very simple. Standard installer packages are availablefor MS Windows and Mac OS X. For many flavors of GNU/Linux, binary packages (rpmand deb) or software repositories are provided to add to your installation manager.Get the latest information on binary packages at the QGIS website at

If you need to build QGIS from source, please refer to the installationinstructions. They are distributed with the QGIS source code in a filecalled INSTALL. You can also find them online at

QGIS allows you to define a --configpath option that overrides the defaultpath for user configuration (e.g., ~/.qgis2 under Linux) and forcesQSettings to use this directory, too. This allows you to, for instance, carry aQGIS installation on a flash drive together with all plugins and settings.See section System Menu for additional information.

The user guide contains examples based on the QGIS sample dataset.

The Windows installer has an option to download the QGIS sample dataset.If checked, the data will be downloaded to your MyDocuments folder andplaced in a folder called GISDatabase. You may use Windows Explorer tomove this folder to any convenient location. If you did not select the checkboxto install the sample dataset during the initial QGIS installation,you may do one of the following:

  • Use GIS data that you already have
  • Download sample data from
  • Uninstall QGIS and reinstall with the data download option checked (only recommended ifthe above solutions are unsuccessful)

For GNU/Linux and Mac OS X, there are not yet dataset installationpackages available as rpm, deb or dmg. To use the sample dataset, download thefile qgis_sample_data as a ZIP archive from and unzip the archiveon your system.

The Alaska dataset includes all GIS data that are used for examples andscreenshots in the user guide; it also includes a small GRASS database.The projection for the QGIS sample dataset is Alaska Albers Equal Area withunits feet. The EPSG code is 2964.

If you intend to use QGIS as a graphical front end for GRASS, you can find aselection of sample locations (e.g., Spearfish or South Dakota) at theofficial GRASS GIS website,

Starting QGIS is done as you usually do for any other application on yourplatform. It means that you can launch QGIS by:

  • typing qgis at a command prompt, assuming that QGIS is added to your PATHor you’re in its installation folder
  • using the Applications menu if using a precompiled binary, the Start menu or the Dock
  • double clicking the icon in your Applications folder or desktop shortcut
  • double clicking an existing QGIS project (.qgs) file. Note that this willalso open the project

To stop QGIS, click:

  • the menu option Project ‣ Exit QGIS or use the shortcutCtrl+Q
  • QGIS ‣ Quit QGIS, or use the shortcut Cmd+Q
  • or use the red cross at the right top corner of the main interface of the application.

Download Qgis Mac

In previous section you learned how to start QGIS.You will see that QGIS also provides further command line options.

QGIS supports a number of options when started from the command line. Toget a list of the options, enter qgis--help on the command line. The usagestatement for QGIS is:


Example Using command line arguments

You can start QGIS by specifying one or more data files on the commandline. For example, assuming you are in the qgis_sample_datadirectory, you could start QGIS with a vector layer and a raster fileset to load on startup using the following command:qgis./raster/landcover.img./gml/lakes.gml

Command line option--snapshot

This option allows you to create a snapshot in PNG format from the current view.This comes in handy when you have a lot of projects and want to generatesnapshots from your data.

Currently, it generates a PNG file with 800x600 pixels. This can be adjustedusing the --width and --height command line arguments. A filename canbe added after --snapshot.

Command line option--lang

Based on your locale, QGIS selects the correct localization. If you would liketo change your language, you can specify a language code. For example,qgis--langit starts QGIS in Italian localization.

Command line option--project

Starting QGIS with an existing project file is also possible. Just add thecommand line option --project followed by your project name and QGIS willopen with all layers in the given file loaded.

Command line option--extent

To start with a specific map extent use this option. You need to add thebounding box of your extent in the following order separated by a comma:

Command line option--nologo

This command line argument hides the splash screen when you start QGIS.

command line option--noversioncheck

Don’t check for new version of QGIS at startup.

Command line option--noplugins

Free program to remove metadata from photos for mac. If you have trouble at start-up with plugins, you can avoid loading them atstart-up with this option. They will still be available from the Plugins Manager afterwards.

Command line option--customizationfile

Using this command line argument, you can define a GUI customization file, that willbe used at startup.

Command line option--nocustomization

Using this command line argument, existing GUI customization will not be appliedat startup.

Command line option--optionspath

You can have multiple configurations and decide which one to use when startingQGIS with this option. See Options to confirm where theoperating system saves the settings files. Presently, there is no way to specifya file to write settings to; therefore, you can create a copy ofthe original settings file and rename it. The option specifies path to directorywith settings. For example, to use /path/to/config/QGIS/QGIS2.ini settings file,use option:

Command line option--configpath

This option is similar to the one above, but furthermore overrides the defaultpath for user configuration (~/.qgis2) and forces QSettings to usethis directory, too. This allows users to, for instance, carry a QGIS installation on aflash drive together with all plugins and settings.

Command line option--authdbdirectory

Again, this option is similar to the one above but define the path to thedirectory where the authentication database will be stored.

Command line option--code

This option can be used to run a given python file directly after QGIS has started.

For example, when you have a python file named with following content:

Assuming you are in the directory where the file is located, youcan start QGIS, load the raster file landcover.img and give the layer the name‘Alaska’ using the following

Command line options--dxf-*

These options can be used to export QGIS project into a DXF file. Severaloptions are available:

  • –dxf-export: the DXF filename into which to export the layers;
  • –dxf-extent: the extent of the final DXF file;
  • –dxf-symbology-mode: several values can be used here: none (no symbology),symbollayer (Symbol layer symbology), feature (feature symbology);
  • –dxf-scale-deno: the scale denominator of the symbology;
  • –dxf-encoding: the file encoding;
  • –dxf-preset: choose a visibility preset. These presets are defined in thelayer tree, see Layers Panel.

Now that you have QGIS installed and a sample dataset available, we wouldlike to demonstrate a short and simple QGIS sample session. We will visualizea raster and a vector layer. We will use:

  • the landcover raster layer i.e., qgis_sample_data/raster/landcover.img
  • and the lakes vector layer i.e., qgis_sample_data/gml/lakes.gml.
  1. Start QGIS as seen in Starting and Stopping QGIS
  2. Click on the Add Raster Layer icon.
  3. Browse to the folder qgis_sample_data/raster/, selectthe ERDAS IMG file landcover.img and click [Open].
  4. If the file is not listed, check if the Files of type combo box at the bottom of the dialog is set on the righttype, in this case Erdas Imagine Images (*.img *.IMG).
  5. Now click on the Add Vector Layer icon.
  6. File should be selected as Source Typein the new Add vector layer dialog. Now click [Browse] toselect the vector layer.
  7. Browse to the folder qgis_sample_data/gml/, select Geography MarkupLanguage [GML] [OGR] (*.gml *.GML) from the Filtercombo box, then select the GML file lakes.gml andclick [Open]. In the Add vector layer dialog, click [OK].The Coordinate Reference System Selector dialog opens withNAD27 / Alaska Alberts selected, click [OK].
  8. Zoom in a bit to your favourite area with some lakes.
  9. Double click the lakes layer in the map legend to open theProperties dialog.
  10. Click on the Style tab and select a blue as fill color.
  11. Click on the Labels tab and select Show labels forthis layer in the drop-down menu to enable labeling. Then from theLabel with list, choose the NAMES field as the field containing labels.
  12. To improve readability of labels, you can add a white buffer around themby clicking Buffer in the list on the left, checking Draw text buffer and choosing 3 as buffer size.
  13. Click [Apply]. Check if the result looks good, and finally click [OK].

You can see how easy it is to visualize raster and vector layers in QGIS. Let’smove on to the sections that follow to learn more about the availablefunctionality, features and settings, and how to use them.

The state of your QGIS session is considered a project. QGIS works on oneproject at a time. Settings are considered as being either per-project or as adefault for new projects (see section Options). QGIS can save thestate of your workspace into a project file using the menu optionsProject ‣Saveor Project ‣Save As..If the loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed, by default, QGIS willask you if you want to overwrite the changes into the project file. This behavioris set by checking Prompt to save project and data sourcechanges when required under Settings ‣ Options ‣ Generalmenu .

Load saved projects into a QGIS session using Project ‣Open.,Project ‣ New from template orProject ‣ Open Recent ‣.

At startup, a list of screenshot with the name and path of each of the most recentprojects (up to ten) is shown instead of a white and empty map canvas. This isa handy and quicker way to remember what a project was about and double-clicka row opens the selected project.If you’re willing to create a new project, just add new layers and the list disappears.

If you wish to clear your session and start fresh, chooseProject ‣New.Either of these menu options will prompt you to save the existing project ifchanges have been made since it was opened or last saved.

The kinds of information saved in a project file include:

  • Layers added
  • Which layers can be queried
  • Layer properties, including symbolization and styles
  • Projection for the map view
  • Last viewed extent
  • Print Composers
  • Print Composer elements with settings
  • Print Composer atlas settings
  • Digitizing settings
  • Table Relations
  • Project Macros
  • Project default styles
  • Plugins settings
  • QGIS Server settings from the OWS settings tab in the Project properties
  • Queries stored in the DB Manager

The project file is saved in XML format, so it is possible to edit the fileoutside QGIS if you know what you are doing. The file format has been updated severaltimes compared with earlier QGIS versions. Project files from older QGIS versionsmay not work properly any more. To be made aware of this, in theGeneral tab under Settings ‣ Options you shouldtick Warn when opening a project file saved with an olderversion of QGIS.

Whenever you save a project in QGIS a backup of the project file is made with theextension .qgs~.

Download Qgis 2.16 Mac Os

There are several ways to generate output from your QGIS session. We havediscussed one already in section Projects, saving as a project file.Here is a sampling of other ways to produce output files:

Qgis 2.18.9 Download

  • Menu option Project ‣Saveas Image. opens a file dialog where you select the name, path and type ofimage (PNG, JPG and many other formats). A world file with extension PNGWor JPGW saved in the same folder georeferences the image.
  • Menu option Project ‣ DXF Export. opensa dialog where you can define the ‘Symbology mode’, the ‘Symbology scale’ andvector layers you want to export to DXF. Through the ‘Symbology mode’ symbolsfrom the original QGIS Symbology can be exported with high fidelity.
  • Menu option Project ‣New Print Composer. opens a dialog where you can layout andprint the current map canvas (see section Print Composer).